UVa 10952. Pattern Transformations



Consider the two patterns of ‘O’ and ‘X’ below (‘.’ represent an empty square). We want the first pattern to be transformed into the second pattern in one time unit. During this time unit, each symbol (‘O’ and ‘X’) can move one step in any of the four directions (or remain at its current square). All movements happen simultaneously, so a symbol can move to an occupied square, if that symbol is moved to some other square. If a symbol moves from square A to B, and the symbol at B moves to A, we have a swap. Write a program which calculates the least number of swaps needed to transform a given pattern into another given pattern.

.XO..  ..XO.  
..OX.  .XX..  
.XX..  ..OX.  

To transform the first pattern above into the second one requires one swap: The two symbols in the first line are moved to the right, the ‘O’ in the second line must be swapped with the ‘X’ below. The other two ‘X’ are moved up and down, respectively.

Input Format

The first line in the input contains the number of test cases to follow (at most 20). Each test case starts with a line containing two integers, w and h ($1 \le w, h \le 8$), the width and height of the two patterns. Then follow h lines describing each row of the two patterns (the two patterns will be separated with a single space, see the sample input). The only allowed characters in the patterns will be the symbols ‘O’, ‘X’ and ‘.’.

Output Format

For each input you should output a line containing a single integer: the least number of swaps required to transform the first pattern into the second. If the transformation is not possible, output a ‘-1’.

Sample Input

5 3  
.XO.. ..XO.  
..OX. .XX..  
.XX.. ..OX.  
4 4  
O..X X..O  
3 4  
.X. .X.  
.OX XO.  
..O .O.  
... ...

Sample Output


UVa - 10952


這題令我印象最深刻的就是我是這題的Topcoder:AC 0.000sec。


  > File Name: 10952 - Pattern Transformations.cpp
  > Author: Samuel
  > Mail: enminghuang21119@gmail.com
  > Created Time: Sat Jul 28 11:22:06 2018

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

const int inf = 1 << 30;
int n, m, c;
char s[8][8], e[8][8];
int dp[8][1 << 8][1 << 8], run[8][1 << 8][1 << 8];
int dfs(int, int, int, int, int, int);
int sol(int, int, int);

int main() {
    cin >> c;
    while (c--) {
        cin >> m >> n;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                cin >> s[i][j];
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                cin >> e[i][j];
        int ans = sol(0, 0, (1 << m) - 1);
        cout << (ans == inf ? -1 : ans) << '\n';
    return 0;
int sol(int row, int prev_ver, int prev_hor) { //垂直 平行
    if (row == n)
        return (!prev_ver && prev_hor == (1 << m) - 1) ? 0 : inf;
    if (run[row][prev_ver][prev_hor] == c)
        return dp[row][prev_ver][prev_hor];
    run[row][prev_ver][prev_hor] = c;
    return dp[row][prev_ver][prev_hor] = dfs(row, 0, prev_ver, prev_hor, 0, 0);
int dfs(int row, int col, int prev_ver, int prev_hor, int now_ver, int now_hor) {
    while (1) {
        int re = inf;
        int col1 = 1 << col;
        if (col == m) {
            if (prev_hor != (1 << m) - 1)
                return inf;
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                if (e[row][i] == '.')
                    now_hor |= 1 << i;
            return sol(row + 1, now_ver, now_hor);
        if (prev_ver & col1) {
            if (now_hor & col1)
                return inf;
            now_hor |= col1;
        if (s[row][col] == '.') {
            if (!(prev_hor & col1))
                return inf;
            if (e[row][col] == '.')
                now_hor |= col1;

        if (!(prev_hor & col1)) {
            if (s[row][col] != e[row - 1][col])
                return inf;
            if (prev_ver & col1)
                return 1 + dfs(row, col + 1, prev_ver, prev_hor | col1, now_ver, now_hor);
            prev_hor |= col1;
        if (s[row][col] == e[row][col] && !(prev_ver & col1) && !(now_hor & col1))
            re = min(re, dfs(row, col + 1, prev_ver, prev_hor, now_ver, now_hor | col1));

        if (col < m - 1 && s[row][col] == e[row][col + 1])
            re = min(re, dfs(row, col + 1, prev_ver, prev_hor, now_ver, now_hor | (col1 << 1)));

        if (col && s[row][col] == e[row][col - 1] && !(now_hor & (col1 >> 1))) {
            if (!(prev_ver & col1) && (now_hor & col1))
                re = min(re, 1 + dfs(row, col + 1, prev_ver, prev_hor, now_ver, now_hor | (col1 >> 1)));
                re = min(re, dfs(row, col + 1, prev_ver, prev_hor, now_ver, now_hor | (col1 >> 1)));
        if (row < n - 1 && s[row][col] == e[row + 1][col])
            re = min(re, dfs(row, col + 1, prev_ver, prev_hor, now_ver | col1, now_hor));
        return re;